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The idea for BLOOM started back in 2007 when Ryan Hunt began looking
for alternatives to traditional TPR foam materials which produce harmful gases and
water waste. The solution he found was BLOOM, a foam produced from 
algae that makes for an extremely environmentally friendly alternative. Etnies brought BLOOM technology to their iconic Jameson shoe silhouette that makes for a classic look with contemporary construction.

Etnies x Bloom

BLOOM foam reduces the levels of phosphorus and ammonia and reduces water waste
compared to other foams. T
he algae "blooms" produced by water waste are in fact harmful to the natural environment, but when exposed to heat and put under pressure it undergoes plasticization which has been fine-tuned to create a supportive and comfortable foam for footwear. Meaning every pair of trainers with BLOOM technology has actually reduced the levels of harmful algae in the ocean, making it a truly environmentally friendly product. Additionally, on average each pair of BLOOM foam shoes keeps 21 balloons worth of CO2 from entering the atmosphere and saves 225 bottles of filtered water so the difference in production methods is far greater than most people would assume. Carefully tweaked to ensure it has the same bounce and flexibility that regular EVA foam would, so you make no sacrifice in quality.

Bloom Algae

Etnies have always been an environmentally conscious brand showcased through their
"buy a shoe plant a tree" program. Since 2011 Etnies have been offering various shoes
that when purchased, result in Etnies planting a tree which has resulted in over 2 million
trees planted which have a huge impact on the health of our forests. This combined with
the new BLOOM Foam range makes for a shopping experience that offers plenty of 
environmentally friendly products and makes doing your bit easier than ever.

Sludge Flakes Powder Pellet

The idea for BLOOM started back in 2007 when Ryan Hunt began looking for alternatives to traditional TPR foam materials which produce harmful gases and water waste. The solution he found was BLOOM, a foam produced from algae that makes for an extremely environmentally friendly alternative. Etnies brought BLOOM technology to their iconic Jameson shoe silhouette that makes for a classic look with contemporary construction.

BLOOM foam reduces the levels of phosphorus and ammonia and reduces water waste compared to other foams. The algae "blooms" produced by water waste are in fact harmful to the natural environment, but when exposed to heat and put under pressure it undergoes plasticization which has been fine-tuned to create a supportive and comfortable foam for footwear. Meaning every pair of trainers with BLOOM technology has actually reduced the levels of harmful algae in the ocean, making it a truly environmentally friendly product. Additionally, on average each pair of BLOOM foam shoes keeps 21 balloons worth of CO2 from entering the atmosphere and saves 225 bottles of filtered water so the difference in production methods is far greater than most people would assume. Carefully tweaked to ensure it has the same bounce and flexibility that regular EVA foam would, so you make no sacrifice in quality.

Etnies have always been an environmentally conscious brand showcased through their "buy a shoe plant a tree" program. Since 2011 Etnies have been offering various shoes that when purchased, result in Etnies planting a tree which has resulted in over 2 million trees planted which have a huge impact on the health of our forests. This combined with the new BLOOM Foam range makes for a shopping experience that offers plenty of environmentally friendly products and makes doing your bit easier than ever.